• Corporate Finance & Capital Market

    O&P Advisor has a high experience in advising companies on M&A operations, assisting the client, in the quality of advisor, on all the complex activities that characterize the merger and acquisition operations. O&P advisor, thanks to its high-level interlocutions on the financial market, helps companies to obtain supplies of the capital necessary for their continuous development on the market, possibly also assisting them in their listing on the financial markets.

    We also provides assistance in ​​Corporate Restructuring area. Specifically, we operate in debt restructuring operations on the liability side, structuring refinancing operations for customer and issuing convertible bonds with conversion into stock.

  • Due Diligence

    O&P Advisor is a leader in the field of drafting due diligence in the field of acquisition processes, taking care in detail, thanks to partnerships with competent professionals in each sector, of all the fundamental aspects of the data deepening activity and information relating to the subject of the negotiation.

  • Business Plan

    The company structures and provides suitable Business Plans for companies wishing to develop projects and to obtain capital on the market.

  • Securities

    O&P is a leader in securitization transactions, which are necessary for companies to finance themselves through the disposal of their credit portfolio.

  • LBO

    Leverage finance transactions provide an important financial solution to companies wishing to acquire ownership of another company. O&P provides extensive expertise in this sector together with advice on mezzanine finance operations.

  • Project Financial Consultancy

    Consultancy is generally intended for the evaluation of specific operational needs of the client: typically the intervention of our Firm is aimed at a detailed analysis of the debt position of the Entity or private company and the portfolio of instruments financials that make up the liabilities, (mortgages, loans, interest rate swaps, etc.), as well as the study of the ideal technical forms for reducing the interest rate risk.
    Particular attention is paid to the problems of the so-called Innovative Finance, (debt remodeling operations), as well as to the Pricing, Risk Management and Reporting functions for Executives.
    The intervention also includes the evaluation of any debt restructuring proposals, which the latter is able to select on the domestic and international market, from the most important bank counterparties with adequate ratings.


Fill out our Contact Form to describe your needs. You will be contacted as soon as possible by a professional from our firm. If you want to read the latest news in our sector and keep you updated, follow us on social networks.


Our secretaries are active in the morning from 9.00 to 13.00, in the afternoon from 14.00 to 18.00.

Advisor Services :
Law Firm Services :